Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Install Ambiance theme in Fedora 20

Ambiance in default theme in Ubuntu. The look and feel of Ubuntu is very simple and pleasant. Their Humanity icon set is also catchy and default purple terminal is different from other linux distributions, which differentiate it from others. However latest Adwaita theme is also catchy and simple and improved a lot in terms of finishing from there previous releases.

If you want to install Ambiance theme in fedora then you need to install light-theme-gnome and gnome-tweak-tool. The theme is there in light-theme-gnome and you need gnome-tweak-tool for setting.

Become superuser by running command su on terminal before running these commands

yum install light-theme-gnome
yum install gnome-tweak-tool

After this run application Tweak-tool by searching tweak in application and go to Appearance. Now select Ambiance for Window and GTK+, Humanity for Icons and Dmz for Cursor. It will give you Ubuntu like appearance in Fedora. Below are 2 snapshots for the feel.

 Tweak-tool settings to set appearance to look like Ubuntu

Desktop screenshot with Ambiance theme.